Restaurant in Guadalest Valley - El Riu
Restaurant in Guadalest Valley - El Riu
Restaurant in Benimantell - Venta La Montaña
Restaurant in Guadalest - El Hort
El Forn - Bar in Guadalest
Restaurant in Guadalest Valley - Nou Salat
Restaurant in Guadalest Valley - La Plaza
Restaurant in Benimantell - Mesón Ca Rafel
Venta Guadalest
Restaurant in Benifato - Venta de Benifato
Restaurant in Guadalest Valley - Mora
Restaurant in Benimantell - El Trestellador
Restaurant in Benimantell - Casa Paco
Enjoy the gastronomy of the bars and restaurants in Guadalest and its valley. Olletas and rice, meat and tapas, wines and oils from our land • For the temporary visitor, as for those who regularly visit our bars and restaurants in Guadalest and its valley, our area offers a really wide range. From tapas and bites, to haute cuisine.
In the restaurants in Guadalest and of course also in restaurants in the Valley of Guadalest, home cooking reigns in all of them, and of course, the most traditional cuisine known worldwide as the Mediterranean diet. You will find a series of menus and typical dishes within reach of all pockets.
Therefore, the restaurants in Guadalest and its valley, offer a rich and varied gastronomy. Especially in the "Olleta de blat", our typical dish par excellence, not forgetting the mintxos, rice and meat, as well as the desserts of handmade elaboration that will take us to recall times of the past in any of our restaurants in Guadalest and restaurants in the Valley of Guadalest.